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Belvedere Bellagio Rooms Suite 033


The pure joy that comes from relaxing into the moment

Swim in the pool under the sun. Soak in our jacuzzi while staring at the lake. Rest the mind and muscles in the Spa’s steam bath, sauna, or treatment rooms. Retire to the gardens or push yourself in the gym. In short: find the calm you need to tread a fresh path.

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Lake-side wellbeing

Get your daily greens and blues with lake-side dips, treatments, runs and walks. Belvedere Bellagio is a place for energizing reboots.

Belvedere Bellagio Rooms Suite Pool Serbelloni Gardens Current

outdoor pool & jacuzzi

Sigh contentedly with the sun on your face and the water on your skin

Set between sky and lake, mountain peaks and lush gardens, the outdoor swimming pool provides space for your lengths or cool respite from the sun’s gaze. For a gentler pace, the adjacent jacuzzi invites you to stretch your arms wide open, close your eyes, and live the moment.


Quiet minds, relaxed bodies, energized muscles. Come and be looked after.

Belvedere Bellagio Rooms Suite 057

Take a breather in the Spa’s steam bath, sauna, multi-sensory showers and ice room. Recline into the comfort zone. Or place your body in our hands with a facial, treatment or massage that uses organic products and natural oils.

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Belvedere Bellagio Rooms Suite 038


A reflection of Lake Como from a century ago. Every inch as evocative as possible.

Belvedere Bellagio Hotel Exterior 03

Across our acre’s worth of grounds - a rarity for the region - colors and calm await. Wander barefoot, breathe in the azaleas and rhododendrons, or hide amongst the olive trees. This is a secret garden to enjoy life’s simple things.

Belvedere Bellagio Rooms Suite 044
Belvedere Bellagio Rooms Suite 048


The window to the lake makes any workout that little bit easier

Wake up the body and fill up on endorphins before the entertainment of the day/night. Our gym has all the Technogym kit you need for weights, mobility, flexibility, cardio and resistance. Two exercise bikes look onto the lake to give you a ride with a view.

Belvedere Bellagio Rooms Suite 049