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Cookie policy

Cookies and Website Usage

While browsing our web pages, personal information may be collected through the voluntary completion of forms present on the site. In such cases, the user must first read the privacy policy associated with the data processing and consent to its management by our company as specified in the policy.
To provide more information or facilitate navigation, our web pages may host links to other sites not created by us (e.g., search engines, related solution providers, etc.). The data processing policies applied by such sites are not under our control, and the protections provided by this privacy notice do not extend to them. Our company assumes no responsibility for personal data collected there.
Access to the site is also possible without the user being required to provide any personal data.

However, the IT systems and software used to operate the site may collect certain personal data during their normal operation, implicitly transmitted through the use of Internet communication protocols. These may include data temporarily or permanently stored on your hard drive (so-called cookies) and other software components downloaded or activated during navigation.

These data are not collected to be associated with identified individuals. However, they may, through processing or association, allow user identification. Such data include the IP addresses of computers used to connect to the site, the URLs of requested resources, the request time, the size of the retrieved file, etc.

These data are used solely to obtain anonymous statistical information on site usage (e.g., access counts), verify proper functionality, speed up or customize service levels, and are deleted immediately after processing. Providing these data is optional; refusing to provide them, blocking cookies, or other software components may result in the inability to receive requested information and/or improper site functionality.

The data collected will be processed exclusively by authorized company personnel and will not be shared or disclosed to third parties.

The data may be used to determine responsibility in case of potential cybercrimes against the site or third parties. Beyond this possibility, web contact data are not permanently stored.

Data Controller:
Hotel Belvedere Srl - Via Valassina, 31 - 22021 Bellagio - Como - Italia. Per esercitare i suoi diritti sopra elencati, potrà rivolgersi al numero di telefono +39 031 950 410 o all’indirizzo mail [email protected].

Detailed Information on Cookie Usage and Consent


I cookie sono brevi frammenti di testo (lettere e/o numeri) che permettono al server web di memorizzare sul client (il browser) informazioni da riutilizzare nel corso della medesima visita al sito (cookie di sessione) o in seguito, anche a distanza di giorni (cookie persistenti). I cookie vengono memorizzati, in base alle preferenze dell'utente, dal singolo browser sullo specifico dispositivo utilizzato (computer, tablet, smartphone). Tecnologie similari sono utilizzabili per raccogliere informazioni sul comportamento dell'utente e sull'utilizzo dei servizi.
Nel seguito di questo documento faremo riferimento ai cookie e a tutte le tecnologie similari utilizzando semplicemente il termine “cookie”.


Cookies are short text fragments (letters and/or numbers) that allow the web server to store information on the client (browser) to be reused during the same site visit (session cookies) or later, even after days (persistent cookies). Cookies are stored based on user preferences, by the browser used on a specific device (computer, tablet, smartphone). Similar technologies can be used to collect information about user behavior and service usage.

In this document, we refer to "cookies" and all similar technologies collectively as “cookies.”

Types of Cookies

Depending on their characteristics and usage, cookies can be categorized as follows:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies - These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our site. They manage login processes and access to restricted functions, generally improving or personalizing service levels for users. Their duration is limited to the session (deleted when the browser is closed) or longer to recognize returning visitors. Disabling these cookies may compromise the use of login-accessible services, but public site content will remain accessible.
  • Performance and Analytics Cookies - These cookies collect and analyze traffic and site usage anonymously. Without identifying the user, they help determine if a user revisits the site at different times. They also monitor system performance and usability, improving functionality. Disabling these cookies does not affect site functionality.
  • Profiling Cookies - These are persistent cookies used to identify user preferences (anonymously or not) and enhance navigation. They may also deliver targeted advertising based on user browsing preferences.
Third-Party Cookies

Visiting a website may generate cookies from both the site itself (“first-party cookies”) and external sites managed by other organizations (“third-party cookies”). For example, social plugins (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google+) may facilitate content sharing on social networks. The use of these plugins involves cookie transmission between third-party-managed sites. Please refer to their privacy policies for details.

Cookie Management

Users can accept or reject cookies using their browser settings.
Note: Disabling technical cookies, in whole or in part, may affect functionality for registered users, while public content remains accessible. Disabling third-party cookies does not impact navigation.

Settings can be customized for individual sites or applications. Modern browsers allow different settings for first-party and third-party cookies.

For example, in Google Chrome:

Click the wrench icon in the upper-right corner and select Settings.
Choose Show advanced settings and adjust Privacy options.

Browser-specific guides:

- Chrome:
- Firefox:
- Internet Explorer:
- Opera:
- Safari: