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Sail the lake on Dama di Bellagio

Glide across the Lake in style and speed.

Dama di Bellagio is a classic 41-feet-long yacht that’s designed in Germany specifically to sail on Lake Como. Head on board for a journey around the lake that will reveal its slow side. Jump off the side or sunbathe on deck with a glass of local wine in hand.

You’ll start from Pescallo which has a small harbor and originally had a sailing club. It was here that Dama di Bellagio's owner, Carlo, fell in love with sailing on Lake Como.

Different tours are available, giving you the chance to admire Villa Besana, the old fisherman’s houses of Lierna, Villa Aura del Lago, Villa Adele, Villa Luisa, the waterfront church of Madonna del Moletto, the Castle of Vezio, and many many other special sites.

What's next

Mornings in Pescallo Bay